MACHIBYA &COMPANY LIMITED Was legally registered as formal company under company’s Act of  2002 on 9th February 2016 with registration number 123624 by BRELA.

        The company has business license no B 1860832 and Tax Payer through TIN 129-774-576. Before registration, the directors of the company Richard Machibya and Josephat Machibya were doing crops trading business. After involving in these businesses, the directors started to work with other big companies (Hs Impex company limited and Afrisian ginning limited), which purchase green gram, yellow gram and Cotton. Hence, when got full  company registration it continued to involve in the same business with the same companies.

         The sources of raw materials are Small Holder Farmer s in Shinyanga region, Mwanza region, Simiyu region, Geita region. These supply crops (raw materials) i.e. Yellow and green grams, rice, sunflower and cotton. The company has its agents who act on behalf to purchase crops from different villages and
collect in centers by using company’s truck.

        The targets markets of the company are Hs Impex Company limited and Afrisian ginning limited purchase in large quantity. In last season, these companies purchased 380 tons of yellow gram and exported to India. Wholesalers, purchase products in large quantity and sell in retail, they purchase rice and sunflower cooking oil. Retailers, these buy products from the company and sell to final consumers. The products purchased by retailers are sunflower oil and rice but also the final consumers purchase product to our dispatch point at our company location and other to our mobile car.

           In 2016, the company has total turnover of more than  TZS 900 million from all products,  while 81% come from yellow gram and green gram. In 2017, the company has set targets to reach turnover of more than  1 billion and reduce dependency to pre- finances. Therefore the company seeking funding from world wide  institutions for working capital on extending agricultural activities  to small holder famers,  buying raw materials and buying complete machines for sunflower cooking oil to improving the presence machine, buying yellow gram milling machine to add value in high quality, high production to meet the demand. Also packaging machine and branding process.

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